Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Remember the Covenant

This is our wedding ceremony and vows in text:

Tim’s Part: Intro: Piper book, Doing of God for the Display of God. John and Chassidy and I have met many times for pre-marital counseling. The very first time we met was the first time I met Chassidy. We met at a Starbucks and John and Chassidy gave me a gift. It was this book by John Piper called “This Momentary Marriage”. Now, that sounds like a strange title, (which many of John Piper’s books have strange titles), but his point is that while Marriage is to last a lifetime here, it is Not eternal. It is, as Kent stated a picture of our ultimate marriage to Jesus, and our wedding to him will take place when He calls us to Heaven to be with him forever. Now, I often give couples books to read to prepare for their wedding, but this is the first time that a couple has given me a book to read. And I have thoroughly enjoyed this book, John and Chassidy. One of the things that John Piper stresses over and over again in this book is that “Marriage is the Doing of God and the Display of God. As Kent shared, it was God’s doing in the beginning with Adam and Eve and it is the Display of the relationship between Christ and the Church. John and Chassidy, Kent and I are performing the ceremony today, but it is not “our doing”. It is God’s doing. It is God’s doing in designing each of you. I wish each of you could have been with us last night at the rehearsal dinner as one by one, people rose to share what they loved and admired about John and Chassidy and how they had seen God work in their lives. John’s leader in the Forge: Matt’s comments: John you have a sensitive heart to God that is willing to sail off after every dream you feel He’s placed on your heart, but Chassidy is your rudder that keeps you charting a straight course. What a beautiful way to say that God has designed you each uniquely as individuals and that He has also uniquely designed you to fit together as a couple. It is God’s doing: He has made you unique and He has brought you together. You are to be allies or partners, like Eve was to Adam, which means snuggling together and struggling together. John, it’s been such a joy to watch you grow from a boy to a man. And, as a child of God into a man of God. I’ve noticed the change in you as you’ve taken steps of maturity in following Jesus as his disciple. John, Becky and I have so many fond memories of you as she shared last night, of being one of Nate’s little buddies, even though in Little League you and Robert played for the enemy. We remember you in the youth group, growing through those awkward stages of physical and emotional maturity, and showing good signs of responding to Christ. We remember, as Becky said last night, you and Robert and our son, Nate, crammed in the back seat of a small vehicle all the way to Florida and back, singing along to the Garth Brooks Greatest Hits CD over and over and over again. It was God’s doing as you were growing. [Meanwhile: there was a girl named Chassidy… tell her story of growth: [Girls sharing last night, going on missions trips to Japan, Africa, ETBU then experience at “I-Go”]. John: [going to DBU, beginning to lead worship, working at Pine Cove, joining the Forge, growing in discipleship and learning leadership skills]. Last year, I got the word, John that you were asked to be the Program Director at Pine Cove and I thought to myself, “Wow! Someone has witnessed John’s maturity and growth to the point that they see him as a strategic leader, with faithfulness and maturity. [Talk about John’s faithfulness and maturity in his friendship to Nate]. John, as Matt said those words last night I remember a time when we had many talks about…showed your sensitive heart for the Lord and your desire to serve Him, but also the weakness of being a bit impulsive, jumping from one thing to another…, but Chassidy is your rudder. She helps you think through and pray through those dreams, and to ask the tough questions. Is this really of God? What are the practical implications of this? How much will it cost? Chassidy, on the other hand, God wants to use John in your life to bring you joy. John likes surprises, Chassidy likes steadiness. John likes to be spontaneous. Chassidy likes to prepared. You are to be gentle with each other, like Bath and Body Works lotion, but you are also to be “iron sharpening iron”, and sometimes when iron sharpens iron, sparks fly. Snuggling and struggling. There is another quote In Piper’s book, from Dietrich Bonhoffer: “Up until this time, love sustains marriage, but now marriage sustains love”. In other words, there may be times when, believe it or not, you may not feel as “in love” as you do right now. But, as those feelings of being “in love” ebb and flow, it is important that you remember: they do not sustain your marriage. But, it is your marriage—the promises you are about to make to one another that sustains your love. That is why it is of utmost importance that you make and we, as friends and family, witness these vows to one another. Will you please turn to face one another and join your hands together? VOWS: Tim: John, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy state of Matrimony? Will you seek to love her as Christ loves the church and as part of your own body? Will you lead her in godliness and seek to understand and comfort her? Will you provide for her needs? Will you honor, praise and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her so long as you both shall live? JOHN: “I will.” Tim: Chassidy, will you have this man to be your wedded husband to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy state of matrimony? Will you seek to be his competent helper in serving your heavenly Father together? Will you comfort, support, and honor him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for him so long as you both shall live? CHASSIDY: “I Will.” TIM: John, will you please repeat after me? I John, take you Chassidy, to be my wife. And I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful husband—in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live. TIM: Chassidy, will you please repeat after me? I Chassidy, take you John, to be my husband . And I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful wife—in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live. EXCHANGE OF RINGS Tim: May we have the rings please? In God’s covenants with us, He loves to use symbols to picture His relationship with us. For example, baptism is an outward symbol or picture, of what happens inwardly when a person gives their life to Christ. Communion is another picture, where the bread symbolizes Christ’s body which was given for us, and the wine pictures His blood shed for us. In our culture, we choose to symbolize our love and commitment to our spouse through the use of a ring. Chassidy and John, every time you look at these rings I want you to see this precious metal and remember the preciousness of your relationship. I want you to see a circle, a perfect unity, and the home it symbolizes should be a unified circle of love. It never ends; and the love it represents should be an enduring love. John, will you place this ring on Chassidy’s finger and repeat after me, please? Chassidy, This ring is a symbol of my promise to love, honor, cherish and serve you all the days of my life. Chassidy, will you place this ring on John’s finger and repeat after me, please? John, This ring is a symbol of my promise to love, honor, cherish and serve you all the days of my life. COMMUNION: [Tim moves to top of stage, John and Chassidy turn to face him]. Tim: In John Piper’s book, John and Chassidy, he states that marriage is God’s doing and is for His Display. As Kent shared earlier, your marriage is to represent or display the relationship that Christ has with His church. Friends and family, it is with this in mind, that John and Chassidy have chosen that their very first act together as husband and wife, is to participate together in Communion with our Lord and Lover of our Souls, Jesus Christ. In I Corinthians 11:23-26 , we read: 23For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me." Tim prays: Lord, we take this bread and this cup, which represents your body, and like you, we give thanks, grateful thanks, for the fact that you allowed your body to be broken for us, and John and Chassidy, now take this bread and this cup signifying that they wish for their union together to be founded on the union that we, as your church have with you. Tim hands John and Chassidy the bread and says: John and Chassidy, please take this bread in remembrance of Him. Tim: In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Tim hands John and Chassidy the cup and says: John and Chassidy, please take this cup in remembrance of Him and proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes. TIM: PRONOUNCEMENT OF MARRIAGE: For as much as John and Chassidy have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and have therefore given and pledged their faith one to another, I pronounce that they are husband and wife in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together let not man put asunder. TIM: “AND NOW, JOHN, YOU MAY KISS YOUR BRIDE” PRESENTATION OF BRIDE AND GROOM: It is now my privilege to present to you Mr. and Mrs. John David Rogers.