Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Psalm 105, 106, and 107 tells us to give thanks the Lord because of his wondrous works. These Psalms remind us how the Lord has worked in the lives of his people and our response should be to praise him. I kept seeing that Israel kept backsliding because they forgot. So don't forget! Remember what the Lord has done. Remember who he is. Remember who you are because of him. Remember. I remember:
How the Lord did not provide a way to go to Denver Seminary
How the Lord took me to the Forge
How the Lord has provided life-long brothers and sisters in Jesus...a family. Matt, Suzanne, Chris L., Wade, Andrew, Chris H., Micah, Ben, Adam, Stephen, Chance, Jimbo, Mallory, Britney, Haleigh, Mandi, Lauren G. and Lauren S. I love you all and am thankful for you.
How the Lord took me to ETBU with Matt one January night and I met my now fiance who I plan to marry in 44 days!
How the Lord has given me an awesome job to help me provide for my bride
How the Lord has given me wonderful future in-laws
How the Lord has allowed me to continue my education and succeed.
How the Lord has sustained me this past year with food, shelter, health, and life.
How the Lord has strengthened my faith through continual testing. Thank you Lord.

For all you have done, Lord, thank you.

"Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
For he satisfies the longing soul,
and the hungry soul he fills with good things."
Psalm 107:8,9

Maybe this is why we feast on Thanksgiving.